Orthopedic and Sports Medicine in Seattle

In his practice, Dr. Peterson diagnoses issues relating to all parts of the skeleton, and in particular those maladies of the shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee. He provides both complex and minimally-invasive arthroscopic surgery, total joint replacement of the shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee, as well as fracture care and sports medicine.

Dr. Peterson sees patients from all around the Northwest and Canada. He admits patients to Swedish Medical Center, and has two offices in north Seattle. If you would like to make an appointment at either the Wallingford or Ballard office, please call 206-633-8100.

Trigger Finger-Symptoms, Treatment, and Surgical Release

Trigger finger is a common condition that results in pain and snapping of the tendons at the base of the finger or thumb. These tendons are like pulleys that attach to the ends of the fingers to allow for finger movement. As the forearm muscle contracts, the tendons pull each finger into a fist. With trigger finger, this mechanism is not smooth and a snapping sensation can be felt, causing pain.

What causes trigger finger to occur?

The cause of trigger finger not clear, and this condition can appear without any particular cause. It is thought to be genetic and often occurs in one or more fingers and at different times in different locations. Trigger finger results from a difference between the size of the tendon and the entrance to the tendon sheath, usually at the base of a particular finger. … read more

Exciting New Advancements in the Treatment of Dupuytren’s Disease – Xiaflex, Needle Aponeurotomy, or Surgery

Dupuytren’s Disease – What is it? 

Dupuytren’s contracture is an abnormal  thickening of the tissue just beneath the skin of the hand. You may notice thickening, pitting of the skin of the palmar skin and often the fingers can become contracted, making simple tasks difficult such as placing the hand flat on a table or placing a hand in a pocket. 

Usually, the condition is painless, though occasionally the initial presentation is accompanied by pain and inflammation. It is important to note that the underlying tendons and nerves are not directly involved, however, the nerves and vessels often become entrapped in the contracture, making treatment difficult.

Dupuytren’s Demographics

Fortunately, there are several exciting new treatments in the treatment of Dupuytren’s contracture.  I will describe the treatments in detail shortly, but in short, the cords need to be released if the finger is to be straightened.  The usual patient with Dupuytren’s contracture is over 40 and of Northern European descent. There is usually no associated injury or occupational exposure and the likely cause of Dupuytren’s contracture appears to be genetic.

Dupuytren’s Symptoms

The ring and small fingers are most commonly affected, with lumps and pits in the palm and progressive contracture of the hand. The cords often feel like tendons and usually hand function is unaffected until the fingers become curled. Initially, the nodules can be painful, but this usually resolves. Unfortunately, progression of the disease is unpredictable.

State of the Art Treatments for Dupuytren’s Contracture

At Orthopedic Specialists of Seattle, we offer all of the state of the art treatments for Dupuytren’s disease. First and foremost, a proper diagnosis is essential and usually I can help rule out other conditions, such as trigger finger, arthritis, or other similar conditions.

Traditional treatments include surgical resection of the diseased fascia. This is nearly universally successful for the resolution of the contracture, which is quite rewarding. The downsides to open resection include need for surgery, extensive rehabilitation, and a moderate recurrence rate of 10-15%. I perform this surgery routinely with excellent results.

Xiaflex injections are also an exciting new treatment which consists of injection of the cords with an enzyme which breaks down the cords over the course of 24-48 hours, allowing for manipulation of the fingers into a straightened position. The downsides currently are the cost ($3000/injection) and again, the recurrence rate higher than that of open surgery. We at the Orthopedic Specialists of Seattle offer Xiaflex injections.

Finally, there is an in-office procedure called a needle aponeurotomy, which is an impressive, relatively painless procedure where I am able to disrupt the cords in a single office visit.  This procedure has relatively small costs, is relatively straight forward and successful in my hands.  The downsides are simply the recurrence rate, again somewhat higher than open surgery.

If you are interested in this procedure, it is worth letting our front office know that they should set up a double appointment, to allow for the possibility of performing the procedure on the same office visit. It might be worth sending me a note explaining your condition and I can help facilitate a reasonable amount of time for your visit

If you have Dupuytren’s disease and would like to discuss your contracture, do not hesitate to call 206-633-8100 or contact me.

A Guide to Arthritis

What is arthritis?

Arthritis Guide and TreatmentThe word “arthritis” simply means “joint inflammation.” Inflammation involves pain, swelling, and stiffness of the joint area. When arthritis occurs, these symptoms tend to last for a long periods of time or reoccur over time.

Arthritis is very common, and most cases of arthritis lead to tissue damage. It has been estimated that as many as 70 million Americans (or one out of three people) have some form of arthritis or joint pain. Arthritis can affect persons of all ages but it is more commonly seen in older adults. … read more

Common Hand and Wrist Injuries

Colles Wrist Fracture

A Colles fracture is a break across the end of the radius, that main bone of the forearm. This type of injury causes the wrist to become shortened and extended. Other names for the Colles fracture are transverse wrist fracture or dinner-fork deformity. These types of fractures occur commonly when the arm is outstretched to break a fall. This injury is more likely to happen during skateboarding, rollerblading, running or some other sports activity in which a forward fall occurs while the person is moving at high speed.

Most of these types of fractures can be placed in a splint and an arm sling. Sometimes, a lightweight, fiberglass cast is necessary. If the bone is no longer in line and straight, the fracture may need to be ‘reduced’ or straightened by way of wrist surgery. The Orthopedic Specialist will use a local anesthesia before reducing this type of fracture.

In some cases, surgery is warranted. The break may need to be fixed with wrist surgery using a plate, screws, pins, or other metal hardware. Some surgeons can use plastic hardware, too.

What are the Symptoms of a Colles Fracture?

This type of fracture changes the shape and angle of the forearm in the area just above the wrist. The injured person will have pain and inability to hold objects. Most always, a Colles’ fracture causes swelling just above the wrist and the person is unable to lift with that hand.

What is the First Aid for a Colles Fracture?

  • Place the wrist and hand in a splint in normal position.
  • Place a rolled up sock in the palm and wrap the hand and wrist area with an elastic bandage.
  • Use an ice pack to reduce swelling.
  • Go to the emergency room or your Orthopedic Specialist’s office.
  • Do NOT try to move or straighten the hand and wrist.

What Can the Orthopedic Specialist Do?

  • Stabilize the fracture.
  • Order X-Rays and other scanning tests.
  • Reduce the fracture if necessary.
  • Perform wrist surgery on the fracture if necessary.
  • Prescribe a rehabilitation plan to prevent deformity.

Hand Fractures

The hand is made up of many small bones, and these bones work together as the supporting framework. A fracture occurs whenever there is enough force applied to one of the bones. When a fracture occurs, there is pain, decreased range of motion, and swelling. These could be simple or complex, depending on what part is injured. Some fractures happen in the main body of the bone known as the shaft. Others occur on the joint surface. A comminuted fracture is when the bone is shattered into many pieces and this is from a high energy impact. An open fracture is called a compound fracture, and this is when a piece of the bone comes through the skin.

How does Fractures Affect the Hand?

A fracture can cause stiffness, loss of movement, and pain of the hand. Some will cause a deformity, such as a crooked finger, too. Many fractures of the hand are painless and no deformity develops. Fractures can injure a joint surface and this will lead to arthritis.

What Can the Orthopedic Specialist Do?

  • Order a medical evaluation with X-Rays.
  • Provide a splint or cast
  • Perform hand surgery by open reduction or closed reduction and internal fixation (surgery).
  • Prescribe a specialized rehabilitation plan.

Wrist Sprains and Strains

One of the most common causes of wrist pain in athletes is a sprain of the wrist. A wrist sprain generally occurs after a fall on an outstretched hand stretches or tears the ligaments of the wrist. Common causes of wrist sprains include falls during sports such as inline skating, skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, soccer, football, baseball, and volleyball.

When an athlete falls on the outstretched hand, the muscles, tendons and ligaments in the wrist take the brunt of the impact, and can be stretched and perhaps torn. If these tissues are inflexible or fragile, the risk of injury intensifies. Basically, a sprain is an injury to a ligament. Ligaments are the tough, fibrous tissues that connect bones to other bones.

A strain results when a muscle or tendon is injured. Tendons are the structures that connect muscles to bones. This can occur when the athlete falls on an outstretched hand, much like a sprain. Strains result when there is overstretching of the muscle, also. Mild strains of the wrists are not as severe as sprains of the wrist. However, strains that are severe result in complete tears of the tendon and muscle tissue and these are quite painful.

Symptoms of Sprains and Strains of the Wrist

With a wrist sprain, there is pain, tenderness, and swelling over the wrist after the fall. It often is tender, red, and warm to the touch, too. With a strain, there may be bruising, decreased range of motion, and a deep dull ache in the wrist area. If you suspect you have either of these conditions, you should seek medical attention. Some strains require wrist surgery.

Solutions for Sprains and Strains

The first line medical treatment involves the R.I.C.E. formula. This includes:

Rest – If you have an injury, stop activity and don’t use the injured wrist for 48 hours or until your doctor says it is OK. Wait for sure until the pain and swelling has subsided.

Ice – Apply ice to the wrist by means of a cold pack (ice wrapped in a towel) or a bag of peas from the freezer. Do this for around 20 minutes, off for 20, then back on again for 20. Continue this until swelling subsides.

Compression – Use an elastic compression bandage (commonly known as an ACE wrap) to secure the wrist and limit swelling. Start the wrap at the base of the fingers and stop just below the elbow. The wrap should be snug, but be careful not to wrap it tight and cut off circulation to the fingers.

Elevation – Keep the injured wrist higher than your heart as often during the day and at night for the first 48 hours after the injury. You can do this with an arm sling or elevating it on pillows. This will help drain fluid and reduce swelling that may form around the wrist.


Tendonitis of the wrist is simply irritation and swelling that occurs to the tissue. The area affected where the ‘tunnel’ occurs is the tissues around the thumb. The most common symptom is pain in the front of the wrist and pain with bending and extending of the wrist. Mild swelling that is visible often occurs, as well.

Tendonitis of the wrist is caused by injury to the arm, over use, biomechanical problems, and poor equipment operation. Sometimes, when someone begins a new activity or exercise, tendonitis will flare up.

Treating Tendonitis

If detected and treated early, tendonitis will improve quickly. The Orthopedic Specialist may give you steroid injections or an anti-inflammatory medication. More serious tendonitis requires hand surgery and wrist surgery, but this is rarely the case. If you feel that you have this condition, rest the wrist and do the R.I.C.E. therapy for a few days.

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