Request An Appointment

You may Call us to Make An Appointment Directly with One of Our Representatives 206-633-8100.

For Preferred location, please select Orthopedic Specialists of Seattle Ballard or Orthopedic Specialists of Seattle Wallingford.

For Provider to see, please select one of the nine OSS physicians or six physician assistants. Or, Any, first available.


Ballard Office Located in the Swedish
Tallman Medical Building

5350 Tallman Ave NW, Ste 500, Seattle, WA 98107
Phone: (206) 784-8833
Fax: (206) 784-0676


Wallingford Office Located in the Seattle
Orthopedic Center Building

2409 North 45th Street, Seattle, WA 98103
Phone: (206) 633-8100
Fax: (206) 633-6107