Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine for diagnostic services
MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance imaging. It is a diagnostic tool that uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to allow doctors to look at certain parts of the body more clearly than with other imaging equipment. An MRI procedure uses no harmful radiation, is completely non-invasive and painless with no known side-effects.
Wide Bore Magnetic Resonance Imaging systems are the ultimate in patient comfort while providing the versatility needed to meet a demanding range of clinical requirements. Wide bore MRI is unique because it is comfortable and open on two sides!
The patient is placed in a much less confining imaging space. A wide bore MRI unit greatly increases patient security, reducing the feelings of claustrophobia and restraint associated with some “closed” MRI units while still delivering the consistently high-quality images needed for comprehensive diagnosis.
The unit that OSS uses is a 70 cm Wide Bore design with an ultra short system length of 125 cm (cover to cover), called MAGNETOM® Espree, and is unique because it combines patient access and comfort.
Advanced Tim Technology
With Tim (Total imaging matrix), MAGNETOM Espree offers superb imaging performance. Patients benefit from more flexibility, accuracy, speed, and diagnostic confidence.
Your benefits:
- Exceptional image quality
- Faster acquisition and exam time
- Increase patient comfort by the combination of 125 cm ultra-short system length with 70 cm Open Bore
- Expanding care to a wider range of patients.
- Broadening clinical possibilities
No special preparation is necessary before your exam. You may eat and drink as you normally do. Continue to take any medication prescribed by your doctor unless otherwise directed.
MRI Precautions
Because of the potential harmful effects associated with some metallic objects in a magnetic field, you should check with your physician or MRI technologist if you have had any brain, ear, eye or other surgeries or any of the following:
- Cardiac Pacemaker
- Neuro-stimulator (Tens-unit)
- Metal implants
- Intrauterine device (IUD), etc
- Aneurysm clips
- Surgical staples
- Implanted drug infusion device
- Foreign metal objects in the eye
- Shrapnel or bullet wounds
- Any possibility of pregnancy
You may wear your own clothing if it contains no metal such as zippers, snaps, etc. A good choice would be sweatpants and a top. If your clothing is unsuitable, a dressing gown will be provided.
Because of the magnetic field, you will be asked to leave the following items in a safe place outside the scan room:
- Coins
- Jewelry
- Watches
- Glasses
- Credit Cards
- Hearing Aides
- Keys
- Hair Pins
- Other metal objects
We ask patients to check in 15 min. ahead of their scheduled appointment time.
The wide bore MRI contains a padded bed on which you will lie during the exam. An MRI technologist will be in continual voice and visual contact with you. Exams normally last 20 to 25 minutes.
MRI is the method of choice for imaging of the musculoskeletal system. It is widely used for evaluation of the spine, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, and ankle. It can also accurately depict abnormalities within the bone marrow.
Sonocur by Sonorex
We are the only clinic in Western Washington that offers Sonocur by Sonorex, an ultrasonic shockwave therapy treatment for tendonitis.