Causes and Treatment of Hammertoes

A hammertoe is a deformity of either the second, third, or fourth toe. The toe becomes curled at the middle joint, resembling a hammer. Hammertoes can be classified as flexible (able to be easily straightened) or fixed (unable to be straightened). You may notice skin irritation or calluses where shoes rub the top of the toe.

What causes hammertoe?

The most common cause of hammertoe is wearing improper footwear, particularly shoes that are too tight in the toe box. Tight shoes force the toe to stay in a bent position. This causes the muscles to tighten and the tendons to shorten. When left in this position for extended periods of time, the toe muscles can no longer straighten appropriately. High heels can also cause hammertoe because they push your toes forward and crowd them in the toe box. Other causes of hammertoe include trauma, abnormal foot mechanics due to nerve and/or muscle damage from diabetes, arthritis, and stroke.

What is the treatment for hammertoe?

The first line of treatment includes lifestyle changes and conservative remedies when possible. Wearing proper footwear and low-heeled shoes with a deep toe box help. Also, you should choose a shoe made of flexible material with a half-inch space between your longest toe and the inside of the tip of the shoe. Additionally, there are exercises you can do to strengthen your toe muscles, like picking up marbles with your toes.

There are many cushions, straps, and non-medicated pads to relieve your toe symptoms, and your orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon can advise you on which of these suit your individual problem. Talk with your doctor before you attempt self-treatment to be sure that you are choosing the right measure.

Can surgery help my hammertoe?

Surgery is indicated for fixed hammertoe deformities that are painful. Surgery typically involves removing the middle joint of the toe (where the deformity exists) and fusing the toe into a straight position. Sometimes the tendon that pulls the toe up must be lengthened if it prevents complete correction of the deformity. Your orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon will discuss the appropriate procedure for your hammertoe condition. Surgery is typically done on an outpatient basis and can be done with local anesthetic if desired.

Common Baseball Injuries

With ever-warming days in Seattle, and the Major League Baseball season in full swing, many people are taking to the fields once again to partake in America’s favorite pastime. As with every sport, there is a chance for a player to suffer an injury amidst play. Although baseball may not be as contact heavy as other sports (such as football), there are still a number of injuries players can avoid by proactively applying preventative strategies.

The most common injuries for players have a greater chance of occurring in the muscle groups with the most stress placed upon them in a sport that involves frequent stops and starts, and quick changes of direction: The shoulders, the elbows, and the knees. A higher incidence of injury is more likely if a participant does not take the time to stretch or properly warm-up prior to use. Even while taking precautions it is still possible to suffer injury in the middle of play from the extreme forces placed upon the body. … read more

Local Weekend Events: Kentucky Derby, Fiesta 5k, and Cinco De Mayo

This weekend in the Seattle area is going to warmer than usual for the first week of May. We are expecting temperatures in the 70s to 80s. Along with this great weather, this weekend there will be some great events, including a Cinco De Mayo 5k, and a Kentucky Derby. With warm weather starting early, OSS encourages everyone involve in outdoor activities and sports to be safe, avoid injuries, and be hydrated.

Kentucky Derby – Saturday May 4th

The Emerald Downs is hosting the 139th Running of the Kentucky Derby with a special 1pm post-time at EmD.

They encourage you to wear your most festive Derby Hat to the event to receive FREE ADMISSION and enter our Fabulous Hat Contest! FREE Family Day activities in the Park including pony rides, face painters, and a bounce house, weather permitting. Learn More.

Cinco De Mayo Fiesta 5k and Taco Truck Challenge – Saturday May 4th

This year’s Fiesta 5K will be held Saturday, May 4th at Volunteer Park. This event will also have their 3rd annual Taco Truck Challenge in coordination with 107.7 The End and will also include live music. For more information about this event or for registration info, visit their website:

Cinco De Mayo – May 5th

There are a variety of different Cinco De Mayo events all around Seattle this weekend. The warm weather should make these events especially enjoyable. Events include a Cinco De Mayo Party Children’s Day at the Children’s Museum, and a Cinco De Mayo Cruise through Waterways Cruises and Events. View More Local Cinco De Mayo Events.

The Seattle Center is also holding many events this weekend, including a March of Dimes, March for Babies on Saturday. View all of these events.

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