You may shower tonight, letting soapy water run over your incision(s) and patting them dry with a towel. You should avoid submerging the leg (bath, pool, hot tub, etc.) for at least one week.
You will be strict non-weightbearing in the walking boot.
Use an ace bandage or a thick sock to prevent the boot from rubbing on the incision(s).
You will wear the boot at all times (including sleeping), except for the following:
In a completely controlled environment, for the purpose of icing
In order to maximize your post-op ankle flexibility, you should come out of the walking boot and preform the following exercises, twice per day:
Write the alphabet with your foot. Do two repetitions.
Stretch the Achilles by placing a towel across the ball of your foot and pulling up. Hold each stretch for a five-count and do five repetitions.
You will continue to ice and elevate the leg as much as possible. Elevating the leg above the level of the heart will reduce the amount of time required to bring down the swelling.
You should continue taking the blood clot prevention medication (aspirin or equivalent) as prescribed until you are at least 4 weeks post-op.
I would like to see you back in 4 weeks for your next follow-up appointment. We will obtain new x-rays at that time. If there is appropriate evidence of healing, we will likely have you begin progressive weightbearing in the boot.