Dr. Ruhlman and his family are leaving for Kenya this Christmas Eve!

Dr. Ruhlman and his family are leaving for Kenya this Christmas Eve. Dr. Ruhlman served at Tenwick Hospital in Bomet, Kenya last year and he is doing it again. According to Dr. Ruhlman, “The country was quite beautiful and the people are very generous and accommodating. Just about a 4-hour drive out of Nairobi, Tenwick Hospital is a rural 300- bed hospital serving a very large under served area. The hospital employs over 500 local kenyan workers and has significant international support. World Medical Mission supports the hospital with logistics and helping volunteers travel to Tenwick and that is how I got involved to help with their Orthopedic Surgical load.”

Last year, Dr. Ruhlman performed 3-5 surgeries per day working with the resident and attending surgeons and helped teach them techniques that he uses in his practice.

What a great way to pay it forward Dr. Ruhlman! Kudos to you and Happy Holidays to you and your family while you will be in Kenya!

Your Handbag could be the Cause of Shoulder Pain, a Stiff Neck and Back Pain

The holiday rush to get all your shopping done means being pretty efficient of how you want them packed and carried out of a store. Enter your handbag, big, bulky and up to the task. Unfortunately, that bag, if filled to capacity, will probably give you a sore shoulder, stiff neck and quite possibly back pain.The frenzy of the holiday season and your busy lifestyle warrants that you talk on your cell phone in one hand and carry that big, bulky purse on the other hand is actually intensifying a big problem; you are unevenly distributing weight on one side of your body.

What Can Be Done to Minimize the Damage?

Instead of carrying your bag on the same side, switch back and forth, or carry the bag in front of you. Understandably, it doesn’t look glamorous, but at the end of heavy shopping day, you can prevent your shoulders from aching. The prolonged effect of constantly carrying a heavy bag is like a strenuous workout; you overtax the muscles and induce joint pain if your bag is too heavy. By maintaining the correct form of carrying your bag and keeping the bulk of your purse toward the center of your body, it will help alleviate shoulder and neck pain.

Just remember these helpful tips:

1) A bigger bag doesn’t mean you have to fill it. Keep things to a minimum – a weight of no more than 5-8lbs is recommended.

2) Swap shoulders – this takes some getting used to but it is possible.

3) The wider the shoulder strap, the better the dispersal of weight.

4) Think about the material of the jacket you are wearing; slippery fabric will cause you to hunch your shoulder even more.

5) Watch your posture: are you leaning to one side to help balance the weight?

6) Stretch your neck and shoulder muscles.

According to Dr. Shapiro, “To protect your shoulders from an overuse injury like bursitis, don’t carry a heavy load of bags on one arm. It is best to switch shoulders or carry an even load of bags to distribute the weight safely.” If you are experiencing neck, hand, shoulder or back pain, call Orthopedic Specialists and make an appointment with one of our expert, orthopedic doctors at (206) 633-8100.

Preventing Ski Injuries through Conditioning

A busy ski resort in the United States may see dozens of injuries on the slopes each day. As an orthopedic surgeon, I also see many patients with ski-related injuries throughout the season. Most injuries are the result of poor conditioning, or equipment failure.

The most common injuries amongst downhill skiers are knee sprains, shoulder injuries, head/face injuries and wrist/thumb injuries. The knee is the most commonly injured joint, resulting in about one third of all ski injuries. Injury rates and type vary with uncontrollable factors such as weather and snow conditions. Proper equipment and conditioning, however, are factors that we can control.


When skiers examine their equipment, it’s important to make sure that: Skis, poles, and boots are in good condition and properly sized for the individual’s weight,size and skill. Bindings are adjusted and tested prior to each ski season.Helmets are properly fitted and checked for damage prior to the ski season.Sunglasses, goggles and sunscreen are part of one’s safety equipment


Skiers can increase their safety and performance this winter by starting with a pre-conditioning program that includes four components: endurance, strength, flexibility, and balance. Aerobic fitness is the key to preventing the end of the day injuries (the last run).Cross training, which includes multiple sports and activities in the conditioning regimen, has become popular, especially with a seasonal sport such as skiing. Strength and flexibility focusing on the legs and trunk are vital in injury prevention specific for skiing. Balance training has been shown to be the single most important exercise for preventing ACL tears in women.
A typical conditioning program can include:

1. Aerobic fitness (5 days/week for at least 30 minutes)

  • Running
  • Cycling
  • Swimming
  • Elliptical or stair climber
  • Jumping rope
  • Treadmill

2. Strength (3 days/week, 2 sets of 60 seconds each)

  • Leg press
  • Wall squats
  • Hamstring curls
  • Toe raises
  • Lateral leg raises
  • Sit-ups

3. Flexibility (daily, 2 sets of 60 seconds each)

  • Hamstring stretches
  • Achilles stretches
  • Quad stretches

4. Balance Exercises (daily, 2 sets of 60 seconds)

  • Standing on one leg, perform mini squats
  • Single leg hop, holding landing for 5 seconds, repeat

In addition to a conditioning program, skiers need to adequately warm up – an activity that is often neglected with skiing. No one would think of running out on the football field or onto the basketball court without warming up first. But with skiing, one typically sits in the car for an hour or more to get to the slopes, and then stands in line for tickets and for the lift, before finally sitting on the chair for several minutes. By the time one has arrived on the top of the hill, he or she is often stiff and cold.

It’s important for skiers to remember to warm up and stretch before starting down the hill.Often an easy, predictable run is a good idea before heading to the more challenging terrain.The few minutes spent warming up will be well worthwhile in injury prevention.

More about knee injuries

Every ski season, I treat many knee injuries. In the 1970′s, ankle injuries were more common, resulting from soft, leather boots. The development of stiffer boots has transferred much of the force to the knee.

The most common knee injury from skiing is the MCL (medial collateral ligament) injury. It often results from catching an edge or having the skis diverge, so that the foot is forced away from the body. This creates a distraction force on the inside of the knee. Fortunately, the MCL has a good blood supply, and can be treated non-operatively, with a period of bracing for 4-8 weeks, depending on the severity of the injury.

ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injuries are also common skiing injuries. They are thought to occur from the forces created by the long lever arm of the ski that are transmitted to the knee ligaments. Commonly, the ACL is injured with a hyperextension mechanism. In expert skiers,we see ACL injuries when saving a backwards fall by a strong quadriceps contraction, pulling the tibia (lower leg) forward with enough force to rupture the ACL. Recent boot and binding technology has reduced the rate of ACL injuries. In young, active individuals, the ACL injuries often require surgical reconstruction. Success rates from surgery are excellent, but require aggressive rehabilitation and six months of recovery time before one can return to skiing or other twisting or pivoting sports.

No one wants to go down the path of surgery and recovery. But too many people wait to think about preparing for skiing until half way through the season, when snow has already accumulated and they are on their way to the top of the mountain. Many times, this is to late. Although injury is a risk we all take when participating in any sport, a conscientious approach to skiing – including equipment inspection and conditioning – will minimize the occurrence. Not only will these precautions reduce injury rate, but they will also enhance performance, decrease fatigue, and ultimately, increase one’s enjoyment of the sport.

We are fortunate in the Pacific Northwest to have great skiing terrain so close. Be safe and prepared so you can enjoy a great skiing season this year.

ski article

2013 Jingle Bell Run/Walk – A Successful Run!

On Sunday, December 8, 2013, Team Proliance Surgeons participated in the Annual Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis event held at the Westlake Center in Seattle, WA. 150 runners and walkers from Team Proliance Surgeons, OSS’parent company, braved the cold weather to participate in the event and raise awareness about arthritis.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, “The Seattle Jingle Bell Run/Walk is the largest in the country, raising the most money for critical arthritis research and programs! This year we aim to raise even more awareness and more money than ever before to improve the lives of the 1.3 million people with arthritis who live in Washington State.”

Team Proliance Surgeons was the #1 Fundraising team for 2013! We also rank #10 nationally, having raised $12,457.00, the largest amount out of all the teams for this great cause!

Overall, the Seattle Jingle Bell Run/Walk event raised $649,044.00 giving Seattle, WA the top spot as the highest fundraisers for this event!

Go Team Proliance Surgeons!


Contact: Hazel Valdez
Email: hazel@launchmd.com Untitled1


Orthopedic Specialists of Seattle Speaker Series on Orthopedic Health and Information Topics Continues through December 2013

Seattle, WA – During the last quarter of 2013, the physicians of Orthopedic Specialists of Seattle (OSS) have been speaking to the community and the greater Seattle population, on orthopedic topics including Joint Replacement, Relief from Hand and Wrist Pain, and Relief from Foot and Ankle Pain at the Swedish Ballard Hospital campus.

Dr. Ruhlman of OSS will be rounding out the Speaker Series with his topic, Relief from Your Hand and Wrist Pain on Wednesday, December 4, 2013 at the Swedish Ballard Hospital campus from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Dr. Ruhlman will discuss treatments for different types of fractures; ways to treat arthritis in the wrist, thumbs and fingers; and how to prevent and treat carpal tunnel syndrome and other overuse conditions. Dr. Ruhlman trained as an Orthopedic Surgeon locally at the University of Washington and spent additional time at Harvard training in the complex disorders affecting the Hand, Shoulder and Elbow. “By using what I have learned, I strive to give you the top orthopedic care by not only achieving superior technical results, but to spend the time necessary to help you understand your injury and so we can work towards your specific goals and needs,” states Dr. Ruhlman.

To find out more and register for this class, visit: https://www.eventsvc.com/swedishhealth/seattle/event/4852f607-7ea9-4123-b207-c4154988bc27.

Physicians at OSS perform highly specialized procedures for orthopedic surgery and general orthopedic care for adults and children. Each one of their eight physicians strives to be a leader in orthopedic medicine. They have extensive training and experience in general orthopedics, trauma, fracture care, total joint replacement, sports medicine, non-surgical treatment and overuse conditions. Treatment of injuries is performed in a relaxed setting, with an expert surgeon, as well as state-of-the art equipment. OSS is also the only orthopedic center in the state of Washington that offers Sonocur, a non-surgical treatment for tendonitis. Their comprehensive orthopedic approach provides patients with the ability to continue their active lifestyles as well as peace of mind.